I always have a number of books on the go, but then there are ones that just grab your attention and won’t let go until you finish them.

My library for the most part consists of many books I have not read, which is how i like it. There is also the limiting factor of space, as my wife demands that books have to go if new ones come in.

The two books that come to mind as most engaging were Impact- Women writing after concussion , which I checked out if the library and read cover to cover. Kinnie Starr wrote one of the essays, and it is a good one. There are many authors, but their personal stories really resonated for me. I have know quite a few women, all women, who have suffered and still suffer the lingering effects of a concussion years after the impact. You can’t go wrong with this one.

Second, and it was a couple years ago, was what Jonathan Lethem described as the perfect pandemic novel. The Unconsoled by Kazuo Ishiguro. Amazon describes it as “a novel that is at once a gripping psychological mystery, a wicked satire of the cult of art and a poignant character study of a man whose public life has accelerated beyond his control.”

It is brilliant writing at its best.

Other books of note are the autobiography by Rickie Lee Jones, Lucinda Williams new book,

Also the short stories of Joy Williams. If you haven’t read her, do so.

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If you are looking for another book to read.....Song fo the Sparrow by Tara MacLean is a fantastic book. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/61345447

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